The deadline for abstract submission has been extended until Monday, February 15, 2025, at 23:59.
Due to ministry notifications, no further extensions will be granted.

General Rules for Abstract Submission

Abstracts should be prepared in Turkish.

  1. The abstract should include the title, author names, and their affiliated institutions.
  2. Titles should be descriptive and clear, ideally not exceeding 20 words.
  3. A maximum of 29 authors can be listed for an abstract. For abstracts with more than 29 authors, written approval must be obtained by contacting upek@zevent.com.tr.
  4. Abstracts should include Objectives, Materials and Methods, Findings (with numerical data/statistics), and Conclusions.
  5. Abstracts should not exceed 450 words.
  6. The presenter of the abstract must be marked.
  7. Abstracts from participants not registered for the congress will not be evaluated.
  8. Abstracts will be accepted as poster or oral presentations. The Scientific Committee will make the final decision on the presentation format.
  9. Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee, and notifications will be sent via email.
  10. The deadline for abstract submission is February 15, 2025
  11. Accepted abstracts will be published in the Electronic Congress Booklet.

Rules for Oral Presentations

  • Oral presentations will take place on designated days and times as specified in the congress program.
  • There will be two categories of oral presentations: Full Oral Presentations and Short Oral Presentations.
  • Presenters must submit their presentations to the Presentation Control Room at least one hour before their scheduled time.
  • Presentations should be prepared using PowerPoint (Office 2000 or newer). Technical equipment will be provided in all halls.
  • Presenters using iOS software should ensure compatibility with the equipment in the Presentation Control Room beforehand.
  • Further details about presentation guidelines will be shared with authors.
  • Following the jury's evaluations, the following awards and certificates will be presented:
    • Oral Presentation (Clinical Studies)
    • Oral Presentation (Basic-Molecular Studies)
    • Oral Presentation
    • Oral Presentation
    • Poster Presentation

Important Dates